Wednesday, January 7, 2009


God has truly blessed me with the love of my life. Julie Wayne Clark. She is my everything. In a life such as mine when every time I take a step forward I tend to take two or three back. She is definitely two steps forward. I just wish I would have saw this 20 + years ago. Words can't describe the love I have for her. God is awesome and I thank Him everyday for the things He puts in my life. Julie is an inspiration to me and I love her with all my heart.



1 comment:

Julie said...

Whew! I can hardly type....I didn't see this post until just now. You are my best friend in the whole world, my "true north" and I am so grateful that God brought us back together. In a crazy, mixed up world w/ it's set-backs, deceptions and sometimes outright evil, I love knowing that I'm "home" with you. That we are "home" to each other, and our kids, and I've wanted to feel that way for such a long time (and now since we've been reunited I understand why I hadn't felt that until now). I love you, sweetheart!